Comprehensive Exam Guidelines
1. 15 minutes before the time, the students must already be on their respective assigned rooms
2. ONLY Allowed items to bring:
a. 2 pencils
b. Eraser
c. Sharpener
3. No cellphone, handouts, reviewers, IPODS. Those who will be caught will not take the exam and automatically get a zero on the comprehensive exam
4. Absences are not excused; make up exams may be given to emergency cases (illness, death of immediate family)
5. Wear your campus uniform:
a. Male: Prescribed hair cut, tuck-in
b. Female: Hair tied in bun, no colored undergarments
6. The comprehensive exam is 120 items given for 2 hours to answer the exams
7. No loitering- one’s caught will be subjected for investigation of cheating
8. Room assignment of comprehensive exam, To be announce
9. If going to the CR, a faculty will escort you going in and out
10. Any one caught of cheating will automatically get a grade of 5.00 as a major offense
11. Comprehensive exam is equivalent to 20% total grade in NCM 101 theory
Grade Distribution and Enrollment
May 25
· Grade slip LB204- 8:00-9:00am
· Enrollment: 9:00-12:00pm BSN 101-105